In our last blog post, we went over a variety of stage changes in the upcoming update. Today, we’ll be having a casual chat about how playing with items has changed. This update also covers news on Pokémon and Assist Trophies.
One of the things we tried to emphasize this update is the chaotic nature of playing with items by adding a couple of new, really powerful ones. If you’ve followed our social medias for a while, chances are you’ve already seen some of these, but let’s go over a couple of new items added in the upcoming update;
New Basic Items

The Gust Jar comes from The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap. We designed it to be our take on the Gust Bellows item that appears in the official Smash Bros. titles. The Gust Jar shoots out powerful bursts of wind which easily push fighters around the stage.

You can also engage in the time honoured Zelda tradition of throwing pottery about. With this item, it’s time to really push your opponents over the edge,

The Coconut Gun is one of the items that makes use of our new ‘heavy shot’ animation. These animations aren’t visually different from the normal shooting animations but have adjusted frame timing so they feel a bit more powerful and sell powerful recoil better. Nothing beats the satisfying *CLONK* sound when hitting your opponent on the head with one of these coconuts.

The Ore Club is a returning item from the Super Smash Bros. and Kid Icarus series. Akin to the Coconut Gun it uses an adjusted swing animation to really sell the item’s weight. Fully charging it up also creates a tornado, but quite honestly getting hit on the noggin’ with one of these would probably hurt enough.

The Bomber! Just like in Smash, you can hold it above you to activate an explosion, blasting foes in a total crash!
Like Bob-Ombs and Mr. Saturns, these guys will walk around on their own. If they reach an edge, they will drop off and explode automatically. Stay on your toes.

The hunt is on with the Iceswing greatsword from the Monster Hunter series! Like the Ore Club, it’s got heaviness to its swing, great for slaying great beasts and opponents alike. With a charged Smash attack, you can freeze your opponents!
And that’s not all new items added this update, but we’ll keep some surprises for later! For now, let’s go and peak into the kitchen for a bit.
Straight from the kitchen; new Food items!
New varities of the Food item are added on the menu. Let’s check out what the fighters brought to the potluck:

Sanji has made a batch of his Seafood Risotto (fun fact; if you own Sanji’s Pirate Cookbook you can make this in real life, I’ve tried it and it’s delicious)

A cake fit for rewarding your plumber friend for going through the trouble of rescuing you from reptillian transgressors. Tastes like a leap into a crispy, new dimension.

Takoyaki! An absolutely delicious Japanese dish that’s a favourite of Kirby’s.

Paopu Fruit intertwines people’s destiny, according to local legend. Share these with your opponents to lull them into a false sense of security, before you send them flying.
Gotta Catch ’em All!
I’ll now pass word over to our team’s Pokémon aficianado ElvisDitto. Let’s take a look:
We’ve been working hard on many elements of this next demo in order to deliver the best experience yet, and keeping with this, we’ve made some changes to our cast of Pokemon! We ’ve changed and polished a lot about how many Pokemon function, look and sound.
Let’s start with a newly added Pokémon; Pokedex #3 Venusaur! Many will be familiar with Venusaur’s depiction in Super Smash Brothers Melee, where once summoned, Venusaur will create a powerful earthquake. We decided to keep the functionality, but give it a grass type flair; Frenzy Plant. Its sheer power perfectly represents Venusaur and rounds out all fully evolved Kanto starters being in Super Smash Flash 2!
We’ve added a few more returning Pokemon as well, not just Venusaur, let’s have a look!
Returning from melee is Cyndaquil, the Fire mouse pokemon. Cyndaquil appears, hops into the air and spouts flame from its back catching foes into a multi hitting move!
Moving on from one melee mouse to another, we have Marill, the Aqua mouse Pokemon.
Marill appears and happily runs forward, dragging anyone unlucky enough to be caught in its way, with it! Be careful not to be caught off stage, else you’ll be dragged to the blast zone!
We’ve taken the time to recolour a few Pokemon that weren’t quite in line with the game’s newer, more vibrant artstyle.

For Bellossom, we’ve started to implement Sleep Powder. Its range and effects are also a bit clearer. Characters with finished Sleep animations will now doze off into sleep instead of their Stun animation.
Now let’s take a look at Mythical Pokémon. In the official Smash titles, these Pokémon usually share the same effect. In Super Smash Flash 2, each mythical Pokémon has a unique, powerful effect to help you out in battle. We’ve given them the themes ‘Ultimate Defense, ‘Ultimate Heal’ and ‘Ultimate Offense’. What does that mean? Well… you’ll find out when you summon them to aid you.
We’ve also added some completely new Pokémon to the line-up! We’re looking forward to seeing you all call them forth and have them help you in battle.
Getting some of these powerful Pokémon takes a bit of luck. But with a lot of luck, you sometimes get even more suprising things…
Back over to Steven for the last part of this blog; new Assist Trophies.
Assist Me!
Assist Trophies are some of my favourite things to work on. They really help us pull from a larger range of series and characters, I always think it’s fun to see them take to the stage next to the fighters. Behind the scenes Zero Insanity and Lexter have been hard at work polishing a lot of the current Assist Trophies with more effects, debugging and overall presentation. In this blog we’ll only look at some of the new Assist Trophies joining the roster in the upcoming update.

The undefeatable Air Man appears! With his Air Shooter ability, he summons various tornadoes in a tricky-to-dodge pattern.

Vegeta uses his Final Flash (appropriate name, if we dare say so) technique to make sure everyone remembers who’s the strongest warrior around here. You’ll have a tiny window to escape when Vegeta appears and starts charging the attack, but if you get hit it might be over in a …. flash.

Forsooth, Sir Arthur from the Ghosts ‘n Goblins series appeareth! The Princess’ brave knight arrives to joust his trusty lances about. He will chase you if you try to run away, as he’s used to dealing with tricky devils and folk alike.

Goodness gracious, it’s the Moai from Gradius! Whilst it will remain immobile after getting summoned, it will quickly shoot Ion Rings all over the stage to harass fighters.
That brings up to the end of the Item Blog. Thank you all for your continued support!