This page contains archives to old downloadable content for SSF2.
Note that Mac builds of SSF2 Beta prior to v1.3 require Adobe Air:
Past Versions
SSF2 Beta ( beta): Windows 64-bit (Installer) | Windows 32-bit (Installer) | Windows 64-bit (Portable) | Windows 32-bit (Portable) |Mac 64-bit (Standalone) | Linux
SSF2 Beta ( beta): Windows 64-bit (Installer) | Windows 32-bit (Installer) | Windows 64-bit (Portable) | Windows 32-bit (Portable) | Mac 64-bit (Portable) | Mac 64-bit (AIR) | Linux
SSF2 Beta ( beta): Windows 64-bit (Installer) | Windows 32-bit (Installer) | Windows 64-bit (Portable) | Windows 32-bit (Portable) | Mac 64-bit | Linux
SSF2 Beta ( beta): Windows 64-bit (Installer) | Windows 64-bit (Installer) | Windows 64-bit (Portable) | Windows 32-bit (Portable) | Mac 64-bit | Windows 64-bit (Installer)
SSF2 Beta ( beta): Windows 64-bit (Installer) | Windows 32-bit (Installer) | Windows 64-bit (Portable) | Windows 32-bit (Portable) | Mac 64-bit | Linux
SSF2 Beta ( beta): Windows 64-bit (Installer) | Windows 32-bit (Installer) | Windows 64-bit (Portable) | Windows 32-bit (Portable) | Mac 64-bit | Linux
SSF2 Beta ( beta): Windows 64-bit (Installer) | Windows 32-bit (Installer) | Windows 64-bit (Portable) | Windows 32-bit (Portable) | Mac 64-bit | Linux
SSF2 Beta v1.2.0.2: Windows 64-bit (Installer) | Windows 32-bit (Installer) | Windows 64-bit (Portable) | Windows 32-bit (Portable) | Mac 64-bit | Linux
SSF2 Beta v1.1.0.1: Windows (Installer) | Windows (Portable) | Mac | Linux
SSF2 Beta v1.0.3.2: Windows (Installer) | Windows (Portable) | Mac | Linux (v0.9b): Windows | Mac | Linux (v0.9a): Windows | Mac | Linux
0.8b: Windows | Mac
0.8a: Windows | Mac
0.7: Windows | Mac
0.6: Windows | Mac
0.5b: Windows | Mac
0.5a: Windows | Mac
0.4b: Windows | Mac
0.4a: Windows | Mac
0.3c: Windows | Mac
0.3b: Windows | Mac
0.3a: Windows | Mac
0.2b: Windows
0.2a: Windows
0.1b: Windows
0.1a: Windows
Legacy Content:
How To Play #1: (WMV | AVI)
How To Play #2: (WMV | AVI)
How To Play #3: (WMV | AVI)